You know you are a vicar's wife when...

This week's listography at Katetakes5 has as its topic 'Five reasons I know I'm a...'. You get to fill in the blank yourself. First I thought I'd pick 'slattern', but I've already confessed much about my domestic indolence. Mothering Sunday has exhausted my motherliness, so that's out, and I had trouble thinking of what else I am, until someone hailed me as 'Father's wife'.

So - you know you're a vicar's wife when:

You find a dog collar in your knicker drawer.

You are the only one in trousers round a dinner table of (cassocked) male clergy

You are fluent in the afflictions and ailments of half the senior population within a quarter-mile radius

You can improvise emergency small talk about dialogical personalism if stranded with a bishop

You can, with a single kettle and five packs of Cheddar slices, host 70 famished faithful in your back garden.


  1. Tea and Cheese Sandwiches - is this the modern day equivalent of feeding the 5,000.

    I quite like the idea of being the only one wearing the trousers! ;-)

    1. Yeah, it can be enjoyable. Although when I was once in Oddbins with two cassocks it was peculiar.

  2. I am amused by the idea of finding a dog collar in the knicker draw. I think that I would be useless with the parishioners.

    1. Yes, the parishioners don't tend to get as far as my knicker drawer!

    2. Yes, mostly the parishioners don't get as far as my knicker drawer.

  3. Love the dog collar in the knicker drawer. Those are big cheese slices!

  4. Lol, that's really funny! Though it does beg the question - how did the collar get in with the knickers...?

  5. Do tell - what's dialogical personalism? It might come in handy.

    1. It's a, um, thingy about whatsit with God in it. And a German.

  6. Emergency smalltalk is a vital life skill - you should run courses and write a how-to book.

    1. I once went on a compulsory course on conversation run by Age Concern for would-be volunteers. Step 1 was face the person you are talking to. Step 2 Make a remark they can reply to.And so on. It's been my social bedrock ever since.

  7. Call me when you can turn the water into wine and I might be impressed.

    (BTW - I am currently sitting on the sofa with my football watching husband. He saw your blog and said - 'Now THAT'S a nice blog design'. I'm slightly concerned. #flowers

  8. fab post, agree with Kate on the water/wine, you'd get loads of followers! :)

    1. It's tactless even to mention booze during Lent when enforced penance has turned wine (and lager) into water in the vicarage!

  9. Very funny indeed! And the last two points sound very impressive!

    1. Not really. Not when you experience both improvisations first hand. But thanks!


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