Ornamental Nipples

One of the ladies of the choir sidles up to me after the Sunday service. She looks furtive. From her handbag she draws a pink carboard box which I hope might have chocolates in. Behind plastic lid nestles a pair of black diamante-studded nipple tassles.

I carry a burdensome assortment of essentials in my handbag, but the addition of nipple tassles has never crossed my mind. The Lady from the Choir explains that they were a long-ago gift and have never had an airing. She wonders if they would come in handy for the next Saturday Caption picture on my blog.

I am grateful but I am uncertain. I believe in undergarments that are fulsome, frill-less and thermal. Behind me is the stern and elderly lay reader. I'm certain that she too believes in undergarments that are fulsome, frill-less and thermal.
And suddenly I cannot resist it. I make my way over and proffer the box. 'Have you any idea,' I ask, 'how one sticks these on?'

The lay reader settles her glasses and peers. 'What are they?' she demands and I explain. She frowns at the box then hauls herself upright on her stick. She glares at me with a mouth that slightly twitches. 'I wouldn't know,' she quips. 'I have a different kind at home!'


  1. "Long ago gift". From whom one wonders?

    1. Husband, I think. In the optimistic early days. Or did she say it was her son....?

  2. Your church sounds far more exciting than any I've ever been to! Think I might skip over your sat cap next week just in case.

  3. Replies
    1. She was joking, of course. The lay reader, I mean. Was thrilled to discover her inner mischief!

  4. Yet again you've made me spit my tea all over my keyboard as I laugh hysterically at the screen. I'll be invoicing you for a new computer at this rate...

  5. That is an amazing story. You vicarage types get up to all sorts.

    1. I didn't get up to nuffink! I was blamelessly walking my hymn book up the aisle ...

  6. What a colourful throng you have at your church! You must start a nipple tassle group!

    1. That would be edgy, but I can't make the darn things attach to my thermal vest!

  7. I've been saving this up for when I have a spare second from real work - and it was so, so worth it. Why does this not happen in York Minster?!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm sure their thongs are very colourful! Thanks, although church life hasn;t been this colourful since the incidents of the breasts in the vestry and the wanking bishop (see posts passim).

  9. I thought Older Mum's comment above said "colourful thong"! Great post, Anna - it conjures up quite a picture of modern church life.

  10. I was eating breakfast when I read this. I've just had to swallow it for the second time...

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