T is for Tussling

I've just happened upon the weekly photo gallery at Sticky Fingers where the letter T is the current theme.

I thought of Tea bags because they cushion me through life's worst miseries, but  they do not photograph excitingly. Then I decided that I like Tussling more. The excuse for infantile behaviour in public is one of the glories of child-rearing and, when it is combined with my other great love, autumn leaves, Tussles are a matchless Tonic.


  1. Brilliant! love this photo and yes, infantile behaviour is one of the glories of parenthood!
    hello and nice to find your blog!

  2. That looks great fun! What a good word to show - wouldn't have thought of that one!

  3. Thank you! Love your oic of your twins, but sadly the comment box freezes when I try to tell you so.

  4. Love it! That looks like so much fun!!
    Thanks for viewing my take too :) x

  5. And I'll bet your son's thinking 'my mum is ACE'


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