I'm a celebrity...
Kateonthinice has devised a cunning new meme to expose the essence of her fellow bloggers. She has cast a handpicked dozen onto a desert island and escape is forbidden until we have completed 11 questions. 1. What one thing about being a parent makes you scream 'Get me out of here!'? Evenings, when my Beer Moment tantalisingly approaches and the kids appear to be caterwauling the Ring Cycle while nude-wrestling in the bath. 2. What skills, if any, do you have that would be useful in the jungle? I can lick the end of my nose. This could be handy when my sleeve runs out. I am still pretty accomplished at climbing up trees; just not so reliable at getting down them again. 3. How are you likely to annoy people if you were stuck with them for three weeks? I shall alienate the entire company the minute I'm let loose on the cooking pots. 4. What is the worst thing you have ever eaten? Anything cooked by myself. No, hang on - tongue! A huge cow's tongue ...