The Thief of Time

It can't be that time is the sentence that must be incorporated into this week's 100-word-challenge. I believe I was uttering those very words as I read the prompt and realised I'd forgotten to scavenge the freezer for the children's supper.

Parents, says new research, need 27-hour in a day. This is clearly absurd – I need 32 to be the woman I'm meant to be. 
Lately my days have been shrinking faster than woollens on a hot cycle. I've shed superfluous distractions like dusting and cooking.
For essential activities I've learnt to multi-task: I can draft a blog-post whilst manuring my flowerbeds and dial Boden while helping my children through their Haribos.
Nevertheless, 'It can't be that time!' I panic as school beckons when I'm busy with my nap. Age eats into flesh, we know – but, with far greater ruthlessness, I realise, it devours Time.  


  1. Another brilliant 100 words! Well done!

  2. Oh, yes! It does. I second Midlife Singlemum -- brilliant!

  3. You so very eloquently described the mood of my life .... now I'm sat here thinking oh heck it's nearly 11.00 am and we still haven't been to the park!

  4. Lol. And it's not only parents either.
    I love your take on the prompt, and completely agree: age does eat time. Not just hours of the day, but whole days or months. Can you believe we're heading for Christmas?

  5. What a great use of the prompt, love it. x

  6. I need at least 45 hours in a day to get everything done that needs to be done. And with that I bid you a hasty farewell as I return to hit the huge pile of work that needs to be dealt with this evening, as I multi-task dealing with my bedtime battling toddler.

    1. It's always struck me that you alone have learned how to stretch time. But then you're young....

  7. All so true, our female species is just wonderful!

  8. The school panic scenario is SO familiar. Every morning in our household....

    Where would we be, however, without the multi-tasking matriarch?

    1. You should have heard me bawling at my tardy daughter on the step of the vicarage this morning!

  9. It is funny how often sleep is the casualty with the mummy juggle!

    1. Actually my nights have always been pretty good. It's an afternoon nap I dream of!

  10. This was a fun read. I think we all feel this way. I love the line - I panick as school beckons when I'm busy with my nap - haha
    hope you'll stop by to read my entry - Mr. Linky is being very bad to me -

  11. Oh, how true. I cannot ever seem to keep up with things that I need to do. And when I look in my life, yeah, I say "it can't be that time" - I am no longer as young as I used to be. Now, I am in the 'old' category that I made in my youth.


    1. It's just scary how it seems always to be bedtime with only a few snatched seconds of daylight in between.

  12. And this is why I enjoy being a night owl. Stores shut, people sleeping, no phones ringing and I have complete control of the laptop. :)

  13. And this is why I enjoy being a night owl. Stores shut, people sleeping, no phones ringing and I have complete control of the laptop. :)


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