One Year On

It was a year ago this Tuesday that an anchoress in Alaska unwittingly launched me into the Blogosphere. The Vicar, having read her latest theological wisdom, clicked a tab on her blog and propelled my own musings - on how to stand trendily at the school gate - onto the Worldwide Web.

Back then, before I'd heard of mummy bloggers and before my aged laptop permitted me onto Twitter, I blogged about the tooth fairy, my daughter's quest for biological enlightenment and the knitted breasts in the vestry. Twelve months have matured me. Now I write of swabbing midnight vomit, my daughter's quest an iPod and nipple tassles in the nave.

This cyber-journey has taught me many new truths:

that every domestic setback, from shredded tissues in the hot cycle to the embarrassing moment with the Bishop, has an underlying value - as a blog post!

that blogging accelerates children's mastery of life skills. Yep, ever since I began spending hours in isolation with my laptop my helpless pair have learned to bath themselves, make their own sandwiches and fathom the three remote controls required to switch on our TV.

that there are many more kindred spirits in cyberspace than in real life. Real-life mothers are never bored by childcare, never imbibe in daylight hours and never sleep in month-old sheets. Cyber mothers, on the other hand, stand shoulder to shoulder amid domestic mayhem - and are prepared to admit that they don't know where their iron is.

that my habit of peering through strangers' lighted windows is legitimate. Because that's what blogging is all about isn't it? I used to deem it nosiness; now I realise it's a cathartic sharing of life experience!

that you can have good friends that you've never met. The bloggers who propped me up when I took my first blundering steps, the tweeters who helped clean my burnt Le Creuset before the Vicar saw it and who turned forward rolls for me when I was bored once last week and all those who have bolstered my stats and my ego with comments. Each one of you would earn the highest token of my esteem - an inked entry in my address book - if I knew you in real life.



  1. Brilliant! And every word the truth. Happy Blogoversary xxx

    1. Oh my dear, you are one of the principal ones who have made my year so pleasurable!

  2. I am a recent addition
    To your blogging mission
    But I thoroughly enjoy
    Your words of strife and joy
    And so I wish
    (On the Let Creuset dish)
    All the best for year two
    To all around you.

  3. Oh, stupid Google accounts. I'm @qcattq. Cat-Cat is a very old username.

  4. And we are glad you arrived to add the illusion of respectability to our midst ;)

  5. Nipple tassels and a vicar,
    Such a heady and colourful insight
    Of life and experiences of an ageing matron
    A need to know more so please
    Please stay a while to keep us updated
    As we learn to lament the life of a vicars wife

    1. Sorry it's not rhyming verse. I'll try harder next time.

    2. Blank verse is equally desirable. A* for you!

  6. Congratulations on your first glorious year of blogging, and bottoms up to many more (as it were).

  7. Congrats on a wonderful year! Your posts have made me laugh out loud many a time!

  8. I have just discovered your blog via a Twitter RT and am now intrigued about nipple tassles.
    Well done on your first year. I have nearly clocked up 5 and it is now part of who I am, I cant imagine not blogging

    1. I don't think I'd better elaborate on the nipple tassles. It was a startling thing that happened after Sunday mass. I wonder if I'll last five years. Well done to you!

  9. And what a glorious first year in the blogosphere you've had - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - I remember the post about the knitted breasts - it was the very first post of yours I read!. X.

    1. Darling girl! It's people like you that have made it all such fun.

  10. Happy bloggity birthday :)

    I am a rubbish reader of blogs because I hardly ever comment, but I've read and loved just about every one of your posts. I wish your Vicarage was a bit nearer so you could come round for cake.

    Hope the next year is as fun as the first x

    1. That's very nice to know. You'd definitely be inked in my address book if I knew you in the flesh!

  11. I did laugh at the 'inked in' status. I do that too...

    Happy Anniversary. You have brightened up my life!

    1. Noone's ever said such a thing to me before. I'm going to buy that Mail daily..!

  12. Happy Blogiversary!!! Just catching up with comments as my phone doesn't like blogger at the moment. I'm still reading though. x

  13. Only a year? You seem to have been around for ever.. Glad I knew you in your narrowed eyes, distrustful phase though ;)

  14. A very happy blog-birthday Matron. It has been a delightful year :)

  15. I can't believe you've only been at the top of my mother's reading list for a year. It seems a lot longer! Congratulations on reaching the grand old age of 1. Here's to a "real life" meeting before you are 2!

  16. Happy First Blogday to your gloriously fabulous blog and its talented author! Xxx

  17. I absolutely love your blog. I am one of those 'not perfect moms' especially as I sit here and type ignoring the clean laundry that needs to be folded (yes, it has sat there on the loveseat for at least two days). Maybe the teenage boy will fold it? lol, probably not.

    1. There should definitely be more people like you in real life!

  18. I remember you on Love New Blogs and you stood out then with your superb writing skills and sense of humour. You're a delight to have around and an honour and a pleasure to 'know.'

    1. I'd be lost without you, my dear. One day I'll seek you out at the seaside.

    2. We'd love to see you - any time X

  19. You fill my timeline with jaunty wit
    And my inbox with hilarity
    I'm hopeful of an inked in status
    And further familarity x

  20. I know where my iron is! It is working as a door stop.

    happy blogday - I have spat tea many times over my screen when reading you - this can only be a good thing x

  21. You always make me laugh out loud (and feel like you must be peering in my window!) Thank you - and happy blogaversary.

  22. You are very welcome! I love your blog.


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