A Leap of Faith

Breasts dangle from the door lintel. Hair explodes from the walls. I can buy a hatchet to embed in my head and a polyfoam carrot disguise.

The assistant is harrassed. A small cross boy needs to be a Gruffalo. A small cross girl insists on the BFG. And, cramming the fancy dress shop, is a multitude of stressed parents, all cursing World Book Day.

I take fright at the frenzy and I hasten home. I can't craft and I can't sew but, armed with three J cloths and a paper doily, I shall magic my doubting daughter to Alice's Wonderland.

This is an entry for the 100 Word Challenge on the theme of 'A Leap of Faith' at Julia's Place


  1. You are a brave, brave woman and as a slightly less brave, brave woman with kids of similar ages, I salute you.

    It will all be over by the weekend :-) Good luck...

  2. LOL at the context. We have Purim next week whichis Judaism's answer to Carnival. All the kids dress up - nightmare for the parents. I must say that I have to take quite a leap of faith to believe that you are going to make Alice in Wonderland out of three J-cloths and a paper doiley. I'm going to need pictures!

    Btw - you wrote earlier that you weren't inspired yet. QED, the best inspiration can come a bit later - well done!

  3. Blimey, I'd like to see a pic of these. You're crafting skills know no bounds, clearly.

  4. *SHUDDERS* *SHUDDERS SOME MORE* I am dreading these days. Thankfully the boy is only one. I have NO CRAFT SKILLS. I may not sleep tonight ;)

  5. Why have I managed nearly 10 years of children, and we have never been asked to dress up for World Book Day? Hmm.

  6. Feeling your pain as I try to work out how to make my little girl into a pirate whilst getting distracted at how I would like to be one. Always had a pirate's hat at my birthday parties as a child.
    Alice in Wonderland far more civilized.

  7. Just loved your opening line! Fancy dress days always filled me with fear..thank goodness for ebay and shops like this! As a teacher I always feel just a bit guilty giving out letters for theme days as know the terror it can strike. So accurate.

  8. Hahaha! Fantastic post. I love the first line too.

  9. Ps can't see what you do with the j cloths.

  10. Snigger... you said breasts...

    Funny, topical and within the bounds of the 100WCGU prompt. Likey.

  11. Oh hell, carnival day is coming up here too. I asked my son, hopefully, if he'd rather go on his mountain bike training as usual and he said no, because at the carnival they always get tons of sweets. Damn.

  12. Fantastic! A true leap of faith and one I hope pays off!

  13. Excellent piece! What a great introductory sentence!
    Go, girl, go with the J cloths!

  14. Hilarious! At least it's over for another year, who knows we may even be ready for it next time!


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