
The prompt for this week's 100-word challenge at Julia's Place is Parting is such sweet sorrow. Yesterday we heard that my mother-in-law had suffered a brain haemorrhage. She is in a coma and will not live. 

Parting is such sweet sorrow. So they say. But where, I wonder, is the sweetness? Where, in the body on the bed, is the person that once vitalised it? Where is the lifetime of memories? What happens to the  hopes and the hates and the secrets when a mind closes down?
Back at home on his piano, the Vicar is painstakingly mastering the tune that evokes a boyhood outing with his mother and, as the chords float upstairs, I realise that there is indeed a bitter sweetness to parting, for loss, with painful potency, defines the forgotten power of love.


  1. So sorry. You have said it perfectly, it's the loss that defines the love. xxx

  2. We buried my husband's grandmother last week and I am so glad I have read these painful but beautiful words as they express what I have failed to put into words until now.

  3. I'm so sorry to read of such a massive loss Anna and wish your family the very best wishes from my heart at this time. xx

  4. Such sad news, but a beautiful expression of loss. Much love to you all xxx
    As to where the person might go, I rather liked this small rhyme when I lost my own MIL earlier this year, hope it brings you a little comfort too. Xxx

    Where do people go to when they die?
    Somewhere down below or in the sky?
    'I can't be sure,' said Grandad, 'but it seems
    They simply set up home inside our dreams.'

    Jeanne Willis

  5. I am so sorry to hear your devastating news. Your words are, as always, so perfectly fitting and I hope give you and the vicar some comfort x

  6. We had a celebration of life last night for my brother-in-law, who past away at 55. My middle child is so tired/depressed of this death thing and there isn't a lot I can say to make her feel better. Our family has seen a lot of death and after a while it takes its toll, no matter what your belief.

    1. Not the husband of your recently deceased SiL? You have had a terrible time.

    2. It was my husband's brother. Mine brother is fine, still sad from losing his wife, my SIL. Time heals though.

  7. such sad news. Will be thinking of you all

    Your words are beautiful.

  8. I am so terribly sorry. Thinking of you all, holding hands and memories close. x

  9. Massive kisses today sweety, I lost a friend to a brain hemorrhage a few years ago and I remember thinking exactly what you've just written. I know everyone says it but it does get easier and her lifetime of memories, her hates, hopes, dreams and life lives on in everyone who knew her. Say your goodbyes, as many don't get to do andspeak by her bedside of all the good times, all those memories you speak of, all those dreams and how you'll fulfil them for her. Light that life up for all to see and let her drift into peace. Prayers and thoughts are with you all xxx

    1. What a lovely comment. I hope her children will be able to do just that.

  10. I am so sorry to read about your family's loss. It's impossible to think of the right words to say, but know that people are thinking of you now and sending you prayers and kind thoughts xox

    1. People's good wishes are a great comfort to my husband and his sisters.

  11. I lost my grandmother to a brain haemorrhage but was away at University sitting my exams so that loss was dealt with from afar - I can't imagine how desperate it must be for you all. With much love and hoping the wonderful memories stay in your heads and heads forever

    1. How awful for you, especially during exams. But there's no easy way to lose anyone, is there..

  12. Beautiful words to depict such a tragic loss. So sorry to hear of your sadness. Love to you all at this time. X

  13. Horrible time, beautiful writing, sending hugs xx

    1. Gratefull received. I'll pass your hugs on to the Vicar.

  14. Thinking of you my lovely. Must be such a very hard time for all of you. Love and prayers. x

    1. It's the waiting and the dashing to and from the hospital that's so hard for her children. Thank you for your good wishes.

  15. Lovely words, hugs to all of you xxx

  16. Such sad news my dear, much love to the vicar , your good self and the family.
    My mother taught me to play Abide with Me on the organ as a child and my father loved to hear me play it, when I was 10 he asked me if I would play it at his funeral and naturally I agreed. Which I did ten years later - music stirs many emotions and can be a great source of comfort at hard times x

    1. I didn't realise you were an organist! That's the hymn I want at my funeral. I'm sorry you lost your father so young.

  17. I am very, very sorry to hear your news. This must be a very difficult time for the vicar and you and your family. My thoughts are with you. Music can offer such gentle comfort.... XXX

  18. I'm so sorry to hear this Anna, please tell E that i will keep him and you all in my prayers. I know she didn't have an easy life so I hope it's a painless release. I'm here if you need me to do any pick up's from school and child minding. Look after each other. XX

  19. This is beautiful.
    I hope the family get a chance to spend time with her before she goes; loss of a mother is devastating
    warmest wishes

    1. Thank you. My husband and his sister are keeping a vigil between them.

  20. Goodness Anna, I'm so very sorry. What terribly sad news for your family. Wishing you much love and strength to get you through the coming days x

  21. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Warmest wishes to you and your family. This is a lovely, poignant piece.

  22. I'm so sorry to read this.

  23. Although I don't know you I would like to say I'm sorry for your loss. My husband's mother died after a stroke last year, and my father died of a heart attack. Sometimes it's hard to find the sweet in the parting. I wish you peace.

    1. Thanks for those lovely words. I'm sorry for your recent losses.


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