Wild Living

The prompt for this week's 100-Word Challenge at Julia's Place is The unseasonal weather meant. Dunno what made her think of that one...

The unseasonal weather meant we had to rely on our inner resources last weekend. My eight-year-old possesses enough of these for all of us. He sold paperclip bangles which hooked me inextricably to a stranger during the morning crush on the Tube. He taught me to recite rhymes to cheer a potted palm and he invented the killer game 'Suspense': together we gazed at his digital clock and watched for the minute to change. 

Relentless winter intensifies family time and that's a privilege. My son has many more distractions up his sleeve. So why, ungratefully, do I now find myself longing for the liberation of sunshine? 


  1. Could it be because those intensifications are ok for a short while, but you wouldn't want them to, you know, go on toooooo long... That "suspense" game, for example. Might drag just a little as the months roll by? Perhaps?

    1. Do you think? Thanks for making me feel better about myself!

  2. Don't feel guilty - I love my children but I can't wait for a bit of "me" time in the sun!

  3. Lovely. I wish spring would get a move on... then I might stop eating all the carbohydrates. Your eight year old is very resourceful!

  4. That clock game one genuinely made me laugh.

    I'm going to play it all day at work tomorrow, just as I did today and yesterday.

  5. Family time is awesome, but ME time is a necessity. Haha. Love the paperclip bracelet. :)

  6. I love paperclip bangles too! I have a safety pin one that I made. I love family time too although we've been told to refer to it as "Us time" or "quality time" or something like that because of a situation with our foster son's Mum.

    1. Oh yes, that must be awkward. Have just told the 8yo about your safety pin bracelets and he's all fired up to start on those now!

  7. He sounds like a real treasure and if he is that creative now just imagine in a few more years!

  8. Rhymes to cheer a potted palm - I love it!

  9. Ah well, it is a pretty bracelet!
    My children are all grown now. I'm at the stage where I'm starting to wonder when grandchildren may enter the picture.
    Much though I love my dear husband, sometimes I do relish the alone time myself!


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