
'What,' I asked my 9-year-old, 'Would your three wishes be?'
Solemnly she sorted her priorities and concluded: to meet Emma Watson, to become an Olympian and for us all to be happy.
I asked my 8-year-old niece. She required no reflection. 'A bow and arrow, a sword and shield and a laser gun,' she replied.

I admire childish precision. But now Babberblog has turned the tables on me. He wants to know what I want. I assume he means that whatever it is he'll try to get it for me. The trouble is, my mind's now gone a total blank. Naturally, I crave world peace, health and wealth for all, a rebirth of the rain forests and a cure for dandruff, but I'd better keep my wants within the realms of reason so that Babberblog has a chance of procuring them for me by Christmas. So, Mr B, these, in random order are my desires:

I want hair like Wonder Woman. All around me, insane beauties are forcing the curl from their tresses and bleaching out their chestnut hues, and here am I limp, straight, yellow and grieving. Please, Babberblog, can I be dark and kinky?

I want to speak Welsh. I have a longing to be able to make cutting remarks in a melliflous tongue that none of my fellow train passengers are likely to understand.

I want to be able to sit through the Sunday service with a mind unimpeded by the Boden catalogue/choc ices/plans for my funeral/ the server's new hair-do.

I want a canal in my garden. I'm growing out of my ponds. I need a waterway on which I can balance a boat with bunk beds and a gas ring.

I want to be able to do what the Lady from the Choir can do with a wet wipe. Shining like a mirror my kitchen bin was after the vicarage garden party! It was a pleasure to tip my cooking into it. But my efforts on the stainless steel lid resemble the aftermath of a mollusc orgy.

I want to be able to finish Alister McGrath's Introduction to Theology. I began it 13 years ago so I could make informed pillow talk with the Vicar, but have stalled at page 242. I never seem to get past Dialogical Personalism.

I want the coat on p41 of the Boden catalogue.

Babberblog, if you can't get all of these I'll settle for 1,4 and 7, please.

And now I have to tag other bloggers to reveal their wants. You are in the hotseat:


  1. You have lovely fair hair. Doesn't show the grey like my brunette tresses (or WW's!). My EX H is Welsh and it has left me a bit anti the accent so we couldn't be friends if you were too good at it. I thought Sunday Services were about contemplation so you seem to be doing your bit. A boat with bunk beds? You see you really are quite adventurous. I get that aftermath of a mollusc orgy effect when I clean windows and I have been enduring a similar struggle with a brilliant book 'Womens Bodies, Women's Wisdom' yet, now, thx to your Theology one, it's looking more attractive. That only leaves the coat for Babberblog, so it should be on its way soon? How am I supposed to compete with the wants and brilliance of words of Flossing the Cat? *grabs the tag, tutting* ;))

  2. Forget the Introduction to Theology. I can send you my tome on Welsh Erotic Poetry from the Middle Ages. You can combine your wish to speak Welsh with your need to engage in more erudite pillow talk with the Vicar.

    Yip, i will reveal my wishes asap! x

  3. ......I turned straight away to page 41 of the Boden catalogue. Nice choice! I'm a sucker for a Scottish lilt myself though my dad was Welsh. Would you like me to send you an "E cloth"? All my stainless steel has been twinkling since I purchased one.

    1. It happens that I've just bought an e cloth and did all my windows with it and the effect seemed a minor miracle. But that was because it was dark. When the sun rose it looked as if those molluscs had been at it again!

  4. I'd like to see a cadet force in France so my son can join.
    I'd like a car that has a sun visor that works, and I'd like a bigger kitchen in a bigger house that belongs to me...

    My wants are modest...

    1. You should live in England. You don't need sun visors then.

  5. Yes! Yes! I concur. I concur! But I would love to be able to speak Cornish - then no one would understand me!

    1. I should have thought of that. But it could get lonely talking to oneself!

  6. I really do need to come over to your blog more often. Your wishes did make me smile this morning.

    If I want to make 'informed pillow talk' with my husband I should really have got to grips with Gray's Anatomy; but then I can always use the opportunity to have a practical session!!

  7. I started to imagine and had hastily to pick up Introduction to Theology to distract myself!!

  8. Tagged? Me? Like, I have to do a blog post and all? Am so out of practice. Anyone can find out what I want by looking at my Amazon wishlist, but I'll put my mind to something a little less prosaic...

  9. Oh I love you list....can I have wonder woman hair too.... You have made me giggle much xxx

  10. Genius! Might have known that you would have a slightly different take on the meme!. Great read :)

  11. ahh, I used to spend a lot of time in Wales, the drive from London to North Wales was a good 5 hours. I had a tape (it was a long time ago) teach children to speak Welsh. I never got beyond; Nosta (good evening - I think) Arf (slow - that was on the road) and Popitiping (which I'm told is microwave).
    Which Boden catalogue? I get a new one every second week.
    Fabulous list!

  12. Thank you. I can say 'exit' in Welsh and 'No hot ashes in this bin' in Gaelic, but it limits my conversation!

  13. Very admirable wants I must say. Think mine would be less so.

    1. My wants are definitely the least admirable of any of the other contributions to this meme!

  14. My wish list is probably unimpressive., like u I wish for world peace., and sadly I mention this very carefully - of the world to be rid of all evil & leave all the poor innocent children alone. On another more altogether., I'd like a body with sexy curves like Betty Boop & hair that stops going grey., a house in the Yorkshire national dales where we holidayed all my childhood & still go every year. My grandad was gaelic Scottish n I never understood much of what he said (because I'm hard of hearing)., I luv how the welsh speak on Indian Doctor (I luv that programme!!). A canal boat is another desire for me n my other half to escape & have some romantic fun!

  15. *on another note. I do apologise for the auto correct my iPhone does!

  16. P.s I don't know how to edit a posting hence the repetitive 'p.s's'!
    Just wanted to say as always - great read!

    1. I'm grateful you take the trouble to comment. Lovely wants and I hope you achieve most of them.


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