The Importance of Couch Potatoes

The 100 Word Challenge this week requires us to add 100 words to the sentence Murray was just about to serve for the Championship. It took me a moment to work out that it referred to Wimbledon. But then I, along with several million other Britons, were otherwise engaged on Sunday: 

Andy Murray was just about to serve for the Championship. The nation was poised on the edge of its sofas. Even clouds, swollen with malice, briefly held their breath. And I went for a walk. Other people's balls do not excite me. A kick-about in the park and volleys with the Vicar are amusements I can understand, but the only thrill about Wimbledon is that it it was predicted to bring Britain to a standstill. I wanted to see how London looked empty. The streets, however, teemed. It's scandalous, this indifference to our national glory. Next year I shall become a tennis evangelist - so that I can shop queue-lessly during the finals.


  1. It bores me senseless too, but your 100 words didn't, Great!

  2. I actually like Wimbledon but I don't have a tv atm. I did manage to see (online) the moving speech afterwards. You've got to admire the support from the crowd - I had tears in my eyes. And I hate sport as a rule. your writing, on the other hand, I love.

    1. You are entirely lovely. I did watch five minutes of it, but it just seemed to involve a ball going first one way then the other...

  3. Balls leave me cold, too, but I'm partial to a little shuttlecock now and then, in the paddock.

  4. I love it! I kept thinking the streets here would empty too, but then I hadn't factored in the Olympic torch...

    1. Was that the same day? What a bummer! You could have had White Stuff all to yourself....

  5. the indifference is palpable. nicely written!

  6. I love 'clouds swollen with malice' - brilliant. And I can't (under)stand people who put their lives on hold for Wimbledon either!

    1. Thanks. I bet you're having a whale of a time with your dancing this summer!


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