A Passion for Balls

This week's 100 Word Challenge at Julia's Place must incorporate the words The flame flickered before... The Olympic torch must have inspired her, but I have cunningly manipulated the prompt so that I can boast about what I did on Sunday...

My daughter has become an overnight football fan. The fact that she’s never seen a game is no deterrent. She’s acquired a Chelsea plate, Liverpool pyjamas and an album of Match Attax which she exhibits mercilessly. 
So, after Sunday Eucharist, I agreed to my first match. Fearsome in tweed skirt and wellies, I assaulted that ball and any juvenile obstruction. I flung myself at the goal, my necklace lassooing interfering opponents. And I scored! 
Triumph ignited in me a passion for a sport I’ve never rated. Briefly, the flame flickered before middle age felled me and it was smothered by the mud I sprawled in.   



  1. Replies
    1. I'm holding out for the World Cup. Need a bit more practise!

  2. I could so vividly picture this from the writing. Fantastic! Certainly raised a smile here!x

  3. Sounds great fun! I liked the 'necklace lassooing'. Perfect picture.

    1. With hinsight, I wouldn't recommend necklaces for football matches. But noone told me...!

  4. Ha ha ha ha .... that's a big necklace! Loved the last line , "middle age felled me" ...

    1. It was my super-long Boden necklace that my father reckons looks like a mayoral chain. When you're running full tilt it bounces about most inconveniently so for my next game I shall stick to a pearl choker!

  5. My daughter is mad on football and actually quite skilled at it. The only problems are 1) she's too shy to tackle anyone 2) having not tackled anyone, she takes it personally if the opponents score a goal 3) she is not stoical about injuries. Fun fun fun.

  6. My daughter is mad on football and actually quite skilled at it. The only problems are 1) she's too shy to tackle anyone 2) having not tackled anyone, she takes it personally if the opponents score a goal 3) she is not stoical about injuries. Fun fun fun.

    1. I like people who leave comments twice. Makes my blog look popular. She wouldn't like a match with me. I must have felled a tribe of infants in my pursuit of soccer glory!

  7. Great take on the words, good imagery.

  8. I love the image of the lasso necklace! Your details are what make this one so funny.

  9. LOL this made me laugh. Football is so not my thing; good on you for even trying to like it!! Well written piece :)

    1. I find it very dull to watch but much more fun to play, especially a family match with no rules. But yes, my spirit is more agile than my flesh!

  10. LOL! Lovely! and so on target! middle age certainly offers us no graceful way of returning to our 'once upon a time' bodies and abilities! well done!

  11. lol loved it. Very well written. x

  12. DancingInTheRain24 May 2012 at 06:08

    This is great Areal fun read - so well-expressed and humorous too. Bit sad though - just where did all the years ago when it was still easy?

    1. The annoying thing is I never played the wretched game when I was young and lithe. Not did I tunr forward rolls as often as I should have while I had the chance. Thanks for your kind compliment.

  13. ANd this actually happened?I'm sorry for your mud slide but this is hilarious, well done!

    1. It did, although whether I can call it a match when it was between my brother, sister-in-law and me and three children. Who beat us hollow. My sister-in-law couldn't walk properly for two days afterwards following such unusual exertion!

  14. Very funny take on the prompt, and very refreshing.


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