Christmas Music

Bibsey has commanded me to reveal my favourite Christmas song. Truth to tell, my heart sank a little. I risk losing cherished subscribers when I expose my musical preferences, and if I were to disclose what I listen to whenever I put up the Christmas tree I would undo two months of effort to present myself as an edgy Woman of the World.

Moreover, since festive song has been piping me round the supermarket aisles round here since late summer, the old favourites have lost a little of their lustre.

I feel a bond with Bibsey, however, for she admits to being almost as much of a domestic slattern as I am. So for her sake I give you one that reliably thrills me:


  1. I thought it would have been the Dolly Parton song about the orphan who freezes to death in the snow. Always brings a festive glow to my cockles.

  2. Please don't mention Dolly Parton on this website. Himupnorth might read it...

  3. I love this too. In fact it reminds me of family Christmases past so much that it brings a little lump to my throat. My mum always has carols playing at this time of year.

  4. I listen to the KIngs College Carol Collection throughout December - I love it (But only in Decmber of course, it doesn't feel right in any othe month).


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