Around the World in 80 Words

Sahdandproud is an amiable young father who can’t sleep at night. In order to distract his mind from nocturnal anguish over recycling bins and family upheaval he has decided to tour the world in 80 words a stop.  To do this he has set up his first linky and requires globe-trotting bloggers to add their adventures in miniature.

Mr S&P faces a long, dark domestic journey of his own over the coming months, so I thought it might ease the pressure a little if he took a detour via Weston-super-Mare. I shall, therefore, skip plans to feed my children lunch and recall one rainy afternoon in Somerset….

It was the nighties that first struck me. Voluminous confections in winceyette bunched on rails in an indoor-market stall. Dangling above them, targeted presumably at the same clientele, were X-large French maid outfits in latex. Nearby was a video stall. Alongside ‘Carp Fishing’ and highlights of Daniel O’Donnell, were films about ladies who, well, nakedly loved each other! I knew then that Weston, purveyor of donkey rides and Ovaltine nightcaps, had a simmering underbelly unremarked by the travel guides.

80 words exactly, Sahdandproud. Will that do?


  1. Class in a glass my dear. I may not book my train ticket immediately though...
    Thanks for taking part.

  2. As I thought, don't rewrite that. I look forward to "Weston, The Novel".

  3. Methinks that the real challenge is now not the 80 words but 80 words that might almost come close to Middle-aged Matron's beautiful and atmospheric prose. Off to seek thesaurus and "How to write" guide, via the lush Sauvignon Blanc in the fridge. Wonder which will be most helpful lol.

  4. Isn't Jeffrey Archer from Weston-super-Mare? For me, this is all I need to know.

    BTW my blog has over 3000 followers. Sort of.

  5. Ah, Weston. So rubbish they had to add "super" to the name to convince people to go there. I should know, it's just down the road from me....

  6. Mmmmmm wont be taking a trip to WSM any time soon - wincyette nighties - the horror, the horror, the horror (said in best apocolypse now Kurtz, Marlon Brando, voice).

    1. I'm pretty partial to a bit of winceyette myself, but latex...that would play havoc with my flannelette sheet.

  7. That's an exciting linky, may have a go, but don't hope to live up to this level of writing. :)

  8. Love that 'simmering underbelly' - something dark and delicious about it. A town of contrasts.

  9. That is EXACTLY what WSM is like. A gutter. But I love it ;)

  10. have never been, would have loved to hear Judith Chalmers report that one on the Holiday programme ;-)


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